The Ohio Stadium Brick Program

Stadium Brick Replica Order

Use this form to place your order:

(Please note, 8"x8" replicas are only available for bricks previously installed)

  1. Enter the name and phone number of the person who made the original brick order.
  2. Scroll down and choose one or more replicas.
  3. Scroll down to the Shipping Address section and fill out the form.
  4. Click Submit Request to proceed to the payment page.

Original Order Contact Information

Please be sure to enter the information of the person who originally ordered the brick.

4" × 8" Standard, $100

Send me the following replicas at $100 each.

8" × 8" Large, $100

Send me the following replicas at $100 each.

Your current total is $0.00

Billing address

This should match the name and address associated with your credit card.

Shipping address